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Local Entertainment

Nancy Argenta, Nóemi Kiss reunite for West Kootenay performances

Nancy Argenta, Nóemi Kiss reunite for West Kootenay performances

Cottonwood Singers concert entitled Res Miranda! will be conducted by Kiss with soloist Argenta
Perfect pairing: Taste Creston’s local beer and wine in fun run

Perfect pairing: Taste Creston’s local beer and wine in fun run

Join the second annual Hop to Vine Hustle on July 6
Local musicians make Kootenay Festival of the Arts a resounding success

Local musicians make Kootenay Festival of the Arts a resounding success

The latest event was held in March and April in Nelson
Tango lovers meet in Nelson for weekend marathon

Tango lovers meet in Nelson for weekend marathon

‘It becomes a passion. It almost takes over your life’
New film links Vietnam War protests with Doukhobor history

New film links Vietnam War protests with Doukhobor history

Heart of Gold, directed by Patricia Gruban, will premiere June 15 in Castlegar
Registration open for Kootenay Fiddle, Guitar and Piano Camp

Registration open for Kootenay Fiddle, Guitar and Piano Camp

Gorde Stobbe, JJ Guy and Lisa Nicole Band perform at Music in the Park, July 18
Embrace the joy of living: West Kootenay Francophone fest goes May 25

Embrace the joy of living: West Kootenay Francophone fest goes May 25

Francophone association ready to celebrate the long-awaited event
Revy Tracks returns to the city

Revy Tracks returns to the city

Arts Revelstoke brings back the concert series
Theatre spreading positivity in Nakusp

Theatre spreading positivity in Nakusp

More theatre coming to Nakusp in June with Shakespeare by the shore
Revelstoke Visual Arts Centre hosts event, celebrates 20 years

Revelstoke Visual Arts Centre hosts event, celebrates 20 years

The event will be on April, 27