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In Kaslo, Canada's 1st woman skateboard champ kick pushes out of obscurity

In Kaslo, Canada's 1st woman skateboard champ kick pushes out of obscurity

PJ McKenzie won 2 titles in the 1970s and was an early star of the sport
Nelson man studies how unarmed civilians might de-escalate West Bank conflict

Nelson man studies how unarmed civilians might de-escalate West Bank conflict

Randy Janzen visited West Bank this summer to assess the viability of peaceful interventions
As election approaches, B.C. premier and Green leader host events in Nelson

As election approaches, B.C. premier and Green leader host events in Nelson

David Eby and Sonia Furstenau each happened to be in Nelson on Monday
Tiny Lights co-founder receives provincial honour

Tiny Lights co-founder receives provincial honour

Carla Stephenson is a recipient of the Medal of Good Citizenship
Nelson's non-violent crimes increased in 2023: Statistics Canada

Nelson's non-violent crimes increased in 2023: Statistics Canada

Offences such as mischief, break and entering and vehicle theft each contributed to an overall rise in crime
Blewett's Helen Jameson, who cared for injured wildlife, dies at 89

Blewett's Helen Jameson, who cared for injured wildlife, dies at 89

Jameson was celebrated for her animal rehabilitation
At Nelson Game Jam, making a video game is a multiplayer effort

At Nelson Game Jam, making a video game is a multiplayer effort

Participants had just 48 hours to create their own working video game
Nelson Soccer says players were racially abused at Idaho tournament

Nelson Soccer says players were racially abused at Idaho tournament

The incident allegedly occurred May 12 in Coeur d'Alene
UPDATED: Campers forced from Nelson City Hall after 3-month housing protest

UPDATED: Campers forced from Nelson City Hall after 3-month housing protest

The camp was cleared out Wednesday morning
Nelson police officer cleared of misconduct but admonished for use of force

Nelson police officer cleared of misconduct but admonished for use of force

Sgt. Nathaniel Holt had been accused of using excessive force against a Nelson man