Peggy andher husband Stan Fellows built the original Green Door in 1960 which housed a cafe/restaurant, pool hall, and later a bowling alley..
To this day all the past students, teachers/staff, and the community from 1960 until 2010 still hold vivid magical historical memories of this establishment that will live with us forever/
Over the years other owners purchased this establishment and added other features such as a pizza shop and, later a youth centre for students to learn the trades/apprenticing of this facility with the amazing support of SAYOPS!
Sadly, on March 23, 2010, a fire burnt this historical facility as per the picture.
Another Picture shows the Ruins of Green Door Lanes bowling alley/youth centre after the fire in 2015.
The picture of the ruins was what remained until a volunteer group of the youth society and others took it upon themselves to remove/demolish this ugly appearance structure that many residents complained about. To begin by looking at ways to bring back the Green Door as a youth centre and other ventures…..but to our dismay after an enormous amount of volunteer work removing and cleaning up the facility as per pictures with only a door standing with a bowling ball & shed, were told to stop work as now had to apply for environmental assessment as once had a gas tank on site.
As the youth society looked at ways to find the funding now for this unexpected environmental testing that will cost thousands of dollars we were fortunate to receive from the SD10 a portable engineered building. This building was transported to the site with the help of many volunteer members, and contractors with the use of their equipment.
The youth society has found some funding with the help of grants/youth coordinator and other means (bottle drive, New years dance and other ventures) and is in the process of now having the 1st environmental testing done, and waiting for the second testing which includes the horizontal drilling. Once the final environmental testing results are finalized and hopefully find no contaminates the society can then begin once funding is sourced to build the foundation for the youths portable to move onto its new site.
Nakusp is famous for trying to keep its historical history as we just need to look at a few examples like the Nakusp Train Society, our Nakusp Historical Society, the Nakusp Museum, and many others.
Believe with the help of many volunteers/contractors, and funding sources we can bring back the Green Door name for the new Youth Centre facility. So that this historical Green Door name can remain etched in many of our memories that will never fade.
Tom Zeleznik
Mayor of Nakusp