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Taking part in CBT Water Smart Initiative again

Highlights from the Village Council meeting of Jan. 11

2015 Fire Manager’s Report

Fire Chief Terry Warren went over the Fire Manager’s Report for 2015. There were 114 incidents firefighters were called to in 2015. These incidents included one structure fire, five cooking fires, 47 outdoor/brush/illegal backyard/garbage/wildland fires, seven electrical fires, and 13 false alarms.

The department has also been training in a variety of areas, including hydrants, ladders, search techniques, incident command systems, safety/risks, and accountability. They have also received special training in auto extraction, over embankment rope rescue, Red Cross first aid, and hydro electrical safety.


CBT Water Smart Initiative

Once again, the Village of Nakusp will be taking part in the Water Smart Initiative. This is being done in an effort to reduce residential outdoor water usage/consumption. The initiative is a match funding program, which can help basin communities with their Water Smart Action Plan. To date, the village has used funding for projects such as: 2011 Water Metering Assessment, which helped identify the benefits of implementing a universal water metering program, if any, and to outline the water reduction strategies. In 2012, a Water Loss Management Plan was implemented. The plan was completed in 2013 and provided clear direction and recommendations for water loss management. If the village is going to participate again, this year, it plans on focusing on public awareness. Initially, water consumption dropped drastically, however, water consumption in Nakusp has increased dramatically since 2012, mainly due to lawn watering.


Potential CPR Caboose Donation

Based on the level of interest demonstrated by the number of people present at the town hall meeting on Jan. 7, (see full story page 5) it has been determined that it’s worthwhile to proceed with fundraising to bring the caboose to Nakusp. The Director of Recreations and Parks, Terry Welsh is of the opinion the donation could be beneficial for tourism, and could have positive economic developments in the community. If the village were to accept the donation, there would need to be parameters set up. The first, all financial costs would have to be fund raised. The village could not provide any direct funding. The second, a committee would have to be established to both fundraise for the acquisition, installation, and long term upkeep of the caboose. Other committee duties for the project would include site selection and organizing volunteers for work related to the project. A working committee of six interested individuals was formed at the meeting.