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Creston Valley Minor Hockey nears completion of legacy project

New exhibit will showcase 100 years of ice sports

To mark the town's centennial in 2024, the Creston Valley Minor Hockey Association (CVMHA) has been working towards completing an exhibit to showcase 100 years on the ice. 

“Many people walk into the Johnny Bucyk Arena, and they don't know why it's called the Johnny Bucyk Arena,” said Kala Hooker, project director. “The idea is we're creating a legacy of storytelling, sharing our history, and letting people know about all these great people that have contributed to it.”

Creston is one of the few Kootenay arenas missing a display case to show off community pride, added Hooker. 

“We want people to know about our history and our sports heroes that we take a lot of pride in,” she said. 

Tammy Bradford, manager of the Creston Museum, has curated over 100 stories, which has been narrowed down with public input as to what will be part of the “living and dynamic” exhibit. Household names in hockey like Jet Fumerton, Jamie Huscroft, Darren Jensen, Jake Livingstone, and Randy Rota will be highlighted.

And it’s more than just hockey, with voices from figure skating, curling, and the Yaqan Nukiy too. 

“We want to showcase the inclusivity and diversity of some of our ice sports heroes,” said Hooker.

The permanent display, 60 feet of glass cases, has already been installed on the wall behind the top row of seating in the Johnny Bucyk Arena. Project completion is imminent, with hopes to host an opening ceremony in January. 

Funding towards the project budget of $92,365 has reached 90 per cent, with local sponsorships supporting $83,558 of the total. 

CVMHA wants to thank the sponsors who made this project possible, including Town of Creston, Regional District of Central Kootenay Area B, Creston and District Credit Union, Columbia Basin Trust, the Lions Club, Speedy Glass, Your Wayfinders, and many more. 

“We're grateful for all the support that we have received from the community and from our sponsors, and we're hoping that we could just get a little bit more and get this done. We're really excited about that,” said Hooker. 

To finalize the project, approximately $9,000 is still needed. Unexpected material costs have come up along the way, like higher grade glass to meet current safety standards. 
Consider purchasing a 50/50 raffle ticket until Jan. 10 to support CVMHA in reaching its goal. Visit to buy one online for $10 each. 

Kelsey Yates

About the Author: Kelsey Yates

Kelsey Yates has had a lifelong passion for newspapers and storytelling. Originally from Alberta, she graduated from SAIT Polytechnic's journalism program in 2016. Now she calls the Kootenays home.
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