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Arrow Lakes Arts Council celebrates S.S. Bonnington’s 100th with locals concert

Arrow Lakes Arts Council celebrates S.S. Bonnington’s 100th with locals concert

With the last Concert Series performance of the year on Sunday, the Arrow Lakes Arts Council and local musicians celebrated history, marking the 100th year of S.S. Bonnington and the 25th anniversary of the Bonnington Arts Centre.

Societies open Japan relief fund at KSCU

The New Denver Kyowakai Society and the New Denver Buddhist Church, both organizations with close ties to our community and Japan, have established a Japanese earthquake relief trust fund at the New Denver Kootenay Savings Credit Union. Each organization has generously donated $1,000.

Special Olympics Nakusp promotes excellence amongst athletes

Special Olympics has been referred to as an unprecedented global movement through which, quality sports training and competition at an international, Canada wide, provincial and now a local level, is actively helping to improve the lives of people with intellectual disabilities, as well as the lives of everyone they touch.

Community concert at the Bonnington

The Arrow Lakes Arts Council announces the second of two Community Artists’ Concerts to be held on Sunday, April 10 at the Bonnington Arts Centre starting at 2 p.m.

Celebrating the Year of the Cat – facts and options

2011 The Year of the Cat is a Canada-wide initiative to increase awareness about cats as pets (See

Genome BC Geneskool bringing the fun into NSS math and science classes

Nakusp students will be skimming for clues, solving murder mysteries and creating alien DNA all in one day as part of a provincial-wide science inspiring program aimed at the youth.
Let the migration begin

Let the migration begin

In south Texas, as well as in B.C., migration is underway!

The art of communication

The art of communication is generally acknowledged as being a critical component of everyday life for most of us.
The start of a new era – new librarian to carry on tradition

The start of a new era – new librarian to carry on tradition

It’s the end of an era for Nakusp to see librarian Evelyn Goodell retiring after so many years of service.

Battle of the Books: Where the pen meets the sword

Whoever said the pen was mightier than the sword obviously never had a showdown involving both.