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The 408 Squadron returns to Nakusp Nov. 11 to remember, and to play hockey

The 408 Squadron returns to Nakusp Nov. 11 to remember, and to play hockey
CAO Tynan brings new arts and culture to the Village office

CAO Tynan brings new arts and culture to the Village office

Nakusp now calls Linda Tynan its permanent CAO, who is discovering what Nakusp is all about, both inside and outside the Village office.

The Slocan Valley Food Guide is here

In the food guide, you can find contact information for farmers, as well as local bakeries, tractor services, school gardens and more.
Good books and good folks remembered at the library

Good books and good folks remembered at the library

Good books and good folks remembered at the library.
Nakusp on the cusp: Update on the Arrow Lakes Economic Summit

Nakusp on the cusp: Update on the Arrow Lakes Economic Summit

A vision of the future of a town doesn’t come from one person peering into a crystal ball; the NADB has been formulating a view as to what time could bring to the area, and hopes to update the vision after community feedback and census data which will be available next summer are looked at.
Protect your family from fire

Protect your family from fire

This Fire Prevention Week, October 9-15, 2011, your local fire department and your child’s school have teamed up for safety! Your child has been learning about ways to prevent home fires, fire and burn hazards, working smoke alarms and home fire escape planning.
Burton United Church centennial celebrated by community

Burton United Church centennial celebrated by community

As we sat in the lovely little church that faith and volunteers rebuilt in 1985, I was struck by the notion that the only things different were the building, electricity and the attendees, although, some of the people in the pews are the ancestors of the original members of the church. Aside from electric lights and indoor plumbing, we could have been in the first St. Andrew’s in 1911.
Proud Fauquier Fire Chief gives a message of thanks

Proud Fauquier Fire Chief gives a message of thanks

The Fauquier Volunteer Fire Brigade has had another busy and successful year. In June, we had one relatively minor callout when a hydro transformer in town took a direct hit from a lightning strike. We were easily able to suppress the resulting fire.
CBT backs students with Backpack Program

CBT backs students with Backpack Program

Afloat in good will and gear for school, Anne Miskulin, volunteer coordinator for the ASLCS and NES principal George Harding will be filling 25 backpacks with school supplies and distributing them to kids from here to Edgewood as part of the CBT-funded Backpack Program. This year they received $1,000 to get supplies to kids in grades one to seven that needed them.
Six Things You Might Not Know about Your Library

Six Things You Might Not Know about Your Library

If we could collect a penny for every time we heard someone start a sentence with, “Wow! I didn’t know you had...” we would probably never need to have another fundraiser. Here, for your reading pleasure, are seven of the library’s services that surprise people most often, and we hope you find something to surprise you, too.