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Protect your family from fire

This Fire Prevention Week, October 9-15, 2011, your local fire department and your child’s school have teamed up for safety! Your child has been learning about ways to prevent home fires, fire and burn hazards, working smoke alarms and home fire escape planning.
Kootenay Fire Chiefs met in Nakusp October 1st


This Fire Prevention Week, October 9-15, 2011, your local fire department and your child’s school have teamed up for safety!  Your child has been learning about ways to prevent home fires, fire and burn hazards, working smoke alarms and home fire escape planning.


The theme this year is



“Protect your Family from Fire!”


Please spend some time with your child to review the “Fire Safety Starts with You!” activity booklet they brought home from school.  Once you’ve reviewed the booklet, fill out the entry form to win a laptop computer and complete the Home Safety Checklist written especially for you and your child to review! Take the completed entry form back to your classroom teacher by October 21, 2011.



Most fatal fires occur in residential settings where people feel safest. Fire can spread quickly through your home, leaving only precious minutes to escape. Your ability to get out fast depends on advanced warning from smoke alarms and advanced planning – creating a home fire escape plan.  Reduce your family’s risk from fire by following the tips below.


Smoke Alarms

Make sure everyone in your home can recognise the sound of the smoke alarm and knows exactly what to do when it sounds.

Install working smoke alarms near sleeping areas and on every level of your home. For maximum protection also install smoke alarms in bedrooms.

Smoke alarms should be tested and maintained in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions.  Alarms should be tested once a month by pushing the test button and listening for the alarm.

For battery operated smoke alarms, replace batteries at least once a year or for extended life batteries according to manufacturer’s instructions. Batteries should also be replaced when the smoke alarm makes a chirping sound.

Smoke alarms should be cleaned at least every 6 months, by gently vacuuming the exterior.

Smoke alarms do wear out and should be replaced at least every 10 years.


Home Fire Escape Plans

Create a home fire escape plan showing 2 ways out of every room.  Practise your plan with your entire family by having a home fire drill at least twice a year.

Choose a Family Meeting Place a safe distance away from your home.  All family members should be taught to report to the family meeting place after leaving the home.

One person should then go to a neighbour’s house or the nearest phone in a safe location to contact 9-1-1 or your local emergency number.


Thank you for making fire safety your priority in your home!


Your Local Fire Department