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Library visits are a regular special occasion

My weekly visit to Nakusp Public Library never fails to stand out as a very special occasion for me.

My weekly visit to Nakusp Public Library never fails to stand out as a very special occasion for me.

It’s a time when I feel delightfully transported down memory lane stretching over the past generation or two. As parents of our energetic young children, my husband Bob and I had spent countless hours creating fun and simply being together with a like mind as an inquisitive family.

My favourite pastime then as it is now was to probe excitedly through the carefully stacked books and associated literature which touched on a wide variety of topics including creative arts, film and other expressive materials. In what seemed a blaze of glory they were thrown open to the greatly appreciative members and patrons of the Gloucester (Ottawa) Public Library.

For many of us (dating from the early 1970s in my own case) our much-loved library served as a home away from home. I count those momentous library visits as being amongst the happiest times of my life and not unlike what I feel privileged to continue to enjoy now but as an elder and resident of our beautiful region of Nakusp.

In recent weeks I have enjoyed learning of the numerous and fairly new activities taking place at the Nakusp Public Library. In particular, I appreciate the broadened use of the building’s beautifully decorated meeting spaces and other facilities, making it possible for almost everyone to join in and actively participate in the wide variety of mostly free special events.

My aim starting with today’s column, is to help highlight the opportunities offered, to enhance our knowledge of the available resources we are invited to tap into year ‘round. Often and in particular as we age, we need to be reminded of the purpose of  remaining  connected with our communities in a positive and cooperative vein.

Staying in close touch with each other does wonders when it comes to our sense of self-worth, pointing to the highest purpose of our lives. This in turn enhances our ability to remain healthy and independent in our own comfortable environment--and this includes our libraries--wherever possible.

If you wish to keep informed and to promote awareness of what is available to help enrich our lives both locally and region-wide, feel free to contact me for suggestions. Marilyn at 265-0075.