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Egg-cellant day for Easter Egg Hunt

Save On Foods Host Annual Egg Hunt
Save-On-Foods hosted their annual Easter egg hunt for children under 12 on Sunday. Family, friends, children and more were on hand for the event which was held at the Nakusp Recreation Park throughout the trees and playground. The event also had a barbecue, with proceeds going to BC Children’s Hospital. Photos: Carmen Petrie Amanda and Luca Fraser

By Carmen Petrie

Save On Foods Host Annual Egg Hunt

Save-On-Foods hosted their annual Easter egg hunt for children under 12 on Sunday. Family, friends, children and more were on hand for the event which was held at the Nakusp Recreation Park throughout the trees and playground. The event also had a barbecue, with proceeds going to BC Children’s Hospital. Photos: Carmen Petrie
Save-On-Foods hosted their annual Easter egg hunt for children under 12 on Sunday. Family, friends, children and more were on hand for the event which was held at the Nakusp Recreation Park throughout the trees and playground. The event also had a barbecue, with proceeds going to BC Children’s Hospital. Photos: Carmen Petrie
Save-On-Foods hosted their annual Easter egg hunt for children under 12 on Sunday. Family, friends, children and more were on hand for the event which was held at the Nakusp Recreation Park throughout the trees and playground. The event also had a barbecue, with proceeds going to BC Children’s Hospital. Photos: Carmen Petrie Save-On-Foods manager Duncan Gardiner was on hand to run the event and sound the starting horn.