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Cross-country evening ski a great time

Seven of us skied to the warming hut where we got the fire going and had a good visit.


Seven of us skied to the warming hut where we got the fire going and had a good visit. Everyone brought treats to share and of course we had our Thermos of tea and hot chocolate. We had tea lights on the window ledges and it really was quite cozy. We tried to do that Jiffy pop popcorn on the top of the stove but it didn’t pop for us too well. I however, do like a little carbon with my popcorn so all was well.  We were hoping for a moonlit ski to and from the cabin.  Wouldn’t you know it, it was a clear sky evening with lots of stars out but the moon didn’t rise enough to light the way, so our head-lamps had to do the work.  When we got home the moon was bright and full in the sky!

Kathy Smith